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Air compressor failure how to do

Read: 92

The common failure and cause analysis of air compressor

1. Compressor does not load:

A. The pressure on the gas pipe exceeds the rated load pressure, and the pressure regulator is disconnected

b, solenoid valve failure

C. There is leakage on the control pipe between the oil and gas separator and the unloading valve

2. Excessive fuel consumption:

a. The oil level is too high

b, oil and gas separator filter element failure

c, too much foam to replace the recommended number of oil

d, oil and gas separator filter core return oil pipe joint at the flow limit hole is blocked

3, compressor overtemperature:

a, no oil or low oil level

b, the oil filter is blocked

C. The oil cut-off valve fails, and the spool is stuck

d, oil and gas separator filter block or excessive resistance

e, the oil cooler surface is blocked

4. Increased noise:

a, intake end bearing damage

b, exhaust bearing damage

c, motor bearing damage

5, after stopping the air oil spray from the air filter: compressor check valve leakage or damage;

6. Oil injection in the air filter after parking: the oil cut-off valve is blocked;





